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Value Engineering starts with values.

Building long-term sustainable and successfull partnerships with clients, collaborators, communities, and last but not least, promoting long-term environmental responsibility are at the center of every investment decision undertaken by Real Asset Capital.
We think in terms of relationships, and not transactions or deals.  With today’s exponential pace of change of technological disruption, climate change, demographic dynamism, or regulation, we have built our entire business operation on fostering and nurturing excellent relationships that allows us to have the depth, breadth and speed to excel. 




Responsibility towards clients, collaborators, communities, and the environment.




Transparency in relationships, environmental footprint, transactions and operations.




Sustainability goes beyond being ‘Green’, extending to uplifting buildings and local communities.




Prime development partners integrated by Real Asset’s open company architecture.

Towards a sustainable future for real estate, starting today.

The climate is invevitably affected by the energy intensive construction and real estate industries. Real Asset Capital is taking the lead above and beyond what is required to guarantee that our A-Z operations are as environmentally friendly as possible and that all project affiliates are committed to bringing this new life sustainably to buildings.

To ascertain our efforts, we require that every new project is to obtain a certification, such as a LEED Gold certification or equivalent, and going above and beyond what is required for developers in each juristiction we invest in.

With responsibility towards unique partners, and local stakeholders

As a project sponsor and developer, Real Asset Capital invests in large projects which have the capacity to significantly alter their vicinity. Having a healthy and responsible relationship with local partners has allowed us to establish a highly replicable M.O. that facilitates investments, as Real Asset Capital’s development track record demonstrates an ability to execute in new environments, in a manner that is mutually advantageous for the company, its clients, and its local stakeholders and community.

Integrating local talent in an international partnership

Real Asset Capital is incorporated and headquartered in Geneva, and has developed projects in Switzerland, Italy, and France. Through each individual project, in every new city, Real Asset Capital partners-up with the most talented and distinguished, hyper local teams of architects, engineers, legal advisors, and constructors. These partners are integrated in Real Asset’s international open-company architecture, and add value through their unique insights, experience, and perspectives.

Transparency that permeates through all relationships

We think in terms of relationships, and not transactions or deals. Fostering healthy relationships with all partners, clients, and stakeholders requires transparency and clarity of commitments through all interactions. 


Headquartered in Geneva, Real Asset Capital is a full-service value-add developer committed to spearheading sustainable projects across all asset types in Europe. 





ReLife Residences





118 Rue du Rhône, 1204 Geneva


+41 22 707 04 79



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